jeu interactif
Codex , a hanful of stories, is a game where participants embark on several adventures. When a card is placed in the box, a voice narrates a story, prompting players to solve riddles.
Participants can respond to the puzzles by placing their hand above the box, indicating the correct answer. The camera inside the box employs machine learning to recognize their gestures.
The box is designed to enable players to craft their own puzzle games. In the future, software
could assist them in designing intricate scenarios. AIs would generate images and voices that tell the stories. They could then create their own custom cards at home using only a printer and a hole punch. Codex would recognize the cards, allowing for new adventures to be played repeatedly.
Projet réalisé à la HEAD-Genève dans le cadre d’un workshop sur le machine learning avec Matteo Loglio d’OIO studio.
Projet en collaboration avec Mathis Baltisberger et Naomi Blidariu.

crédits photo : Aurora Mesot